WundaBar SoHo

WundaBar is a pilates studio that has its own patented reformer — the WundaFormer — that combines four pilates machines into one incredibly efficient pilates marvel. Think: reformer, ballet barre, jumpboard, and pilates chair all wrapped into one. Not only is this machine fun to play one, it makes for one super efficient pilates class. More details below:
- Studio: WundaBar SoHo
- Class Name: WundaBar Workout
- Location: SoHo
- Educator: Stephanie (Note: trainers are called educators at WundaBar)
- Covid Safety: Vaccination required, masks in class
- Cleanliness: You must wipe down the machine after every class
- Vibe: This studio is small and quaint but welcoming. It’s tightly packed and is age-inclusive, as there were class goers of all ages.
- Lockers: No lockers, there are open cubbies
- Showers: No Showers
Best for: Beginner and intermediate levels. This class is very low impact, and educators take the class step by step to ensure technique.
Music: Pop — The music is played on low volume so you can focus on the educator’s instructions.
Sweat level: 3/10
Tone level: 8/10
Overall: 7/10 — a solid, low impact pilates workout.
Bring: Grippy socks. Available for purchase if you don’t have any on hand
ClassPass: Yes
Like most pilates classes, you’ll never really know which moves and exercises you’re going to get when you show up to a WundaBar class. However, one thing stays consistent: It’s always a full body workout.
We have to say, the WundaFormer is one efficient machine: It’s intuitive to use and up-levels pilates movements in a really smart way. Speaking of: One of our favorite parts of the class was the dedication to ensuring proper student form. Stephanie would often walk around class ensuring each class goer was just right — something we think would make Joseph pilates proud. That said, the class was very mild in comparison to other pilates studios we’ve taken in NYC. There were opportunities to up the ante, but the educator didn’t give cues to help students flex up and down according to their fitness levels.
The SoHo studio is pretty small, and when one class lets out and another is about to begin, it can feel tight and a bit hectic after/before class.
Overall, WundaBar is a solid pilates workout. It’s true to pilates technique and is perfect for beginners and intermediate fitness levels.
WundaBar SoHo | 21 Thompson St B, NY | 646.666.0470 | WundaBar.com

Masks required
WundaFormer is a pilates marvel that turns four separate machines into one, making an incredibly efficient workout
True to traditional pilates technique
Storefront is easy to spot on the street
Studio is very tightly packed with little to no space for a "waiting" area. This is intense especially when one class lets out and the other class is starting.
The classes aren't consistent, sometimes you get a really intense pilates workout. Other times, we thought we could have upped the ante. This makes it challenging to know what you're getting when you show up.