Spark at Method3 Fitness, San Jose

CLASS: Spark
This coach was energetic and quirky. He made sure we worked hard and that we were having fun.
SWEAT: 9/10
LEVEL: The class is for all levels. It’s easily modified for beginners and easy to progress if you’re feelin’ up for a challenge.
- Core first – While many classes put the core work at the end, Spark pulls core work to the front of class. Thy believe that engaging your core is the first step to keeping you safe and efficient during the workout.
- The work adds up – 45 seconds might not seem like much on round one, but by the round three, your muscles may be asking for mercy.
- High five heaven– Class goers are extra supportive and encouraging.Their love language of choice: High fives. If you’re a beginner or a newbie, it helps you feel right at home.
MUSIC: There were a mix of tunes ranging from 80s rock to current hip hop and pop hits.

With a class named Spark, we knew we were going to be up for a challenge. To our pleasant surprise, before the work even started, Keith, our coach, set up the tone of the class with a motivational quote. Then, it was time to put in work.
We warmed up with exercises and dynamic stretching that increased our heart rate,. Before we knew it, we were ready for the main course. First up: The Stations.
In total, there was about 4 different stations that we rotated through. Each station had two exercises to complete twice through for 50 seconds, with a 10 second rest in between. Once you your station is complete, it’s on to the next. There were a wide variety of exercises making this a full body workout.
A few of our favorite station exercises included:
- The TRX Hinge (a variation on a single leg deadlift with your hands on suspension straps),
- Bosu Crossbody Toe Touches (a super difficult ab move that had everyone’s obliques trembling)
- Cable Tricep Extensions.
When the stations are complete and you’re thinking the work is done. Think again. It’s time for “The Finisher.” Insert surprise face emoji — and yes, it’s as difficult as it sounds. At the end of every Spark class, there’s a series of intense exercises designed to ensure you leave every ounce of energy in the class. For our class, our series included a TRX Low Row, Skater Hops, Pushups, and Speed Squats.
During the very last interval, when our glutes were on fire, and our arms were feeling like Jello, Keith shouted out, “When I say last set, you say best set. Last set!” Everyone shouted “Best set!” Which added a much needed bit of motivation when the whole class was exhausted, feeling the burn, and ready to give up.
When it was over, the students high fived one another, put away the equipment, and had a group cool down.
Method3 Fitness | 1918 Camden Ave, San Jose, CA | 408.371.1212 |